Despite sporadic thunderstorms threatening to derail the ‘Stop The Clot’ fitness run hosted by TCI Hospital in the nation’s capital on Saturday morning, 11th November 2017, the event continued with participants of all ages showing their commitment to the cause as weather conditions eventually subsided paving the way for a successful event.
Donned in the colour red to raise awareness of Venous Thromboembolism, residents were eager to challenge their endurance in the sunrise walk along an uphill terrain, which started from Cockburn Town Medical Centre towards a halfway point along North Ridge/Lighthouse Road and return. Red flags were ecstatically waved by each participant who reached the hilltop and turnaround point.
Prizes were awarded to the first male and female runners to complete the marathon, the youngest person to participate in the race, and the first cycler to cross the finish line. The event also featured Soca Aerobic sessions to jump-start and conclude the walk, run and cycle. Complimentary blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose and body mass index checks were also provided.
A blood clot survivor and resident, Mabeline Ambriton, shared her emotional story during the event of losing a sister and niece to Venous Thromboembolism (VTE). She considers herself blessed to be alive and must consume blood thinners to prevent the potentially fatal blood clots from developing after undergoing intense hospitalizations in the past. Given her familial history, she charged attendees to listen to their bodies and understand the signs, symptoms and prevention of VTE.
A clot in the vein (usually in the leg or pelvis) is known as a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and a clot that breaks off and travels to the lungs is known as a pulmonary embolism (PE). Together, DVT and PE make up Venous Thromboembolism (VTE). One in four people worldwide die of conditions caused by thrombosis.
The Providenciales installment of ‘Stop The Clot’ sunrise fitness walk, run and cycle event is slated for this upcoming Saturday, November 18th, 2017 at the Lower Bight Kids Park, commencing at 6:00 am. Registration is free.